Sep 22, 2008

The worst day of my life

What is a mother's worst nightmare? Her kid getting sick. Jon is not sick or sickly BUT I fear that his refusal to take in the right amount of food will make him sick one day.

Today is the one of the worst when it comes topic and I've written a lot of post regarding this cos its really a problem for me. Other than this, he is the best kid around. (sometimes I keep thinking of all his good points when he refuse to eat!)

I was in a not-so-good-mood. Jon refuse to eat lunch. My fault for thinking that he will be fine in eating chicken rice! He doesn't eat out (unless he is super duper hungry). So, I always make sure that he will have his meal at home before going out. Oh, don't remind me when we have go for holidays. Jon's food will be my main issue.

Getting back to today, I was late in preparing his soup and he takes forever to swallow that mouthful of rice in his mouth. Kinda 15 mins to swallow 1 mouthful! This really gets me boiling... I think I was bursting with anger (with lava spitting out of my head). So, I punished him. He was not allowed to get our of his booster seat (he doesn't know how to release himself from the belts... yet) until he finishes a good amount of rice.

Thinking that the food I'm preparing doesn't suit him. I tried all types of food. I threw out a lot of food because they got expired. I tried cooking oriental, western, fast food, the real-deal-meal...argh... pain in my head thinking of that.

Hubby was trying to be consoling, "If he doesn't want, just let it be".

Oh how I wish. I wish I can feed him milk whole day but I don't want him to solely dependent on milk. Oh no, that is not the path I want to go. I need a day off not thinking about his food. Bear with my ramblings. Just need to get it out of my system, else someone will kena from me, or you'll see me at some shopping mall. Maybe I'll just pop over the Thai Oddessy for a good massage. Hey, they are having some promo on. 1 hour for RM59 on weekdays.

Nowadays, I will keep asking him if he is interested in yogurt, chocolates, biscuits, bread, apple, milk, etc every hour. After 2 hours of refusal, I'll start taking out the food to entice him or ask him to join me in eating them. I don't know if I have the time to do this when I start working. I just pray that he will start to adapt.

The song keep playing in my mind... "...the best day of my life..."


6 thots counted:

just give him some time. Some children they are not the 'jenis semua telan'.

they will learn through it as they grow up.

Only two years ago my son start to eat all the food.

Be patient okay!!!

Ramona Ramli said...
September 22, 2008 at 6:42 AM  

My son pun ada problem when we're out for holiday. But i managed to solve it because i realized they all ni kalau holiday over excited & tak na wasting time...sentiasa nak main. so, what i do now is to ensure i will tapau food when i'm in the car, they will only eat bila dah kena strap in the car. tried during our 1 week holiday tu, and succeeded.

On every day makan, slowly la moi. kena carik what he favor most la kan. tak yah bg yg complicated sgt..mcm idlan sekrg dah big appetite. he loves banana. so, slalu rasuah banana fritters, banana split, cekodok pisang, choc he'll surely eat more.

Unknown said...
September 22, 2008 at 7:31 AM  

thanks mum2h, shida. Mmg I tgh patient la nih. Mmg masa feeding time kena distrapkan dlm seat dia. I dah 'rasuah' dah ice-cream, playground, etc. Skg tambah elemen 'rasuah'. "Nak makan rotan tak? Tak mau makan rotan, cepat makna nasi". Kekeke

lil'Chomel said...
September 22, 2008 at 11:42 AM  

sama la anak2 i pun very picky eater. and sekali suap ada la dlm 10-15 min. but my way plak, i let them go around sambil main sambil makan. not good i know, but itu je yg jalan. sebab dorang tgh syok2 main tak sedar mulut menguyah makanan. so a big bowl of food (almost 1 pot nasi tau) boleh habis makan berdua but in 1 hr at least :) kadang2 2 jam pun ada. but at least my kepala tak tension sambil dorang makan+main i can still do my work, or at least surf the net.

but even dekat rumah makan sambil main one thing good is bila berjalan they can eat at the table-the bersepah way. but sebab dekat luar so nasib la sepah pun sepah la kan. i guess dia nak tgk semua org makan baru nak makan takat 4-5 org je makan tak best hehehe

mom2que said...
September 22, 2008 at 2:46 PM  

oooooohhh...i also have the same problem with hadif...susah sgt nak bagi mkn i substitute ngan mi, kue tiaw, potato & carrot (yg direbus) & the likes...apparently, he doesnt fancy mkn nasi.mmg sgt headache & heartache! dah lah dia ada under weight problem...

yg danish plak asyik nak maakaaann jerr...non-stop!every hour nak munching something.headache jugak tau nak figure out what healthy food (& tak sepah) to give him..hehehehe

take it easy k?

Anonymous said...
September 23, 2008 at 9:01 AM  

mom2que: I know what you mean. We'll do any ways to get them eating , kan. You are so patient to feed them for 2 hours!

Ira Sr: I think hadif tuh perut mat salleh kut. Hahaha. Well, good to know that danish has a big appetite. I think it is ok cos he is not actually fat. Can prepare healthy snacks like carrot sticks, japanese cucumber and lotsa fruits. Hehehe.

lil'Chomel said...
September 23, 2008 at 11:04 AM  

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