Mar 24, 2009

Earth hour, earth day

The call for earth hour this weekend would be a good starting point to change one's lifestyle as an effort to save mother earth. The impact might not big enough, but have to start somewhere. Why not start small. Switching off the lights for 1 hour is starting small. There are lots of things that can be done to minimise our carbon footprint. It covers from the fuel (or rather no fuel) you use for your car, the type of bulbs, how many tress you cut down to build your house, the water you use, etc.

There are so many things I can't go without but am exploring the options of being more conscious of the natural resources.

A few weeks ago, some immigration officers rounded up all the cleaners in the office building cos their working permit somehow got invalidated. Meaning they are illegals. So, we were without cleaners for days. And we usually pack our food (in polystyrene containers) from the cafe and have our lunches in our nice and cosy pantry area. These polystyrene containers are quite big and before we knew it, we had a bag full of those containers with no one to take it out to be disposed. It just hit me that this has to stop. Imagine the carbon footprint we are leaving year in year out. So, I decided to bring my own reusable plastic container to pack my food in. Its not easy at first cos I tend to forget to bring the container with me when I go to the cafe :). But after awhile, I get the hang of it and got a colleague to join me too! Now is to get more people to do the same thing hehehe. Talk about making a difference.

Earth hour, earth day is more than 1 day event. Its a lifestyle! To save the earth, change your lifestyle.