Mar 24, 2009

Things to remember

Woke up early so that I can prepare myself for a brand new day. I find myself (seems like a lot of self reflection lately) missing Jon almost everyday. This is because he is beginning to understand what we say and able to respond back. The fun moments I can remember:

- I sometimes "complain" or "whine" to him. Like the other day, I was looking for a brush to wash his water bottle. I was nagging and complaining , "where did your daddy keep the brush?", while looking high and low for it. Jon went on with, "Oh brush... where are you? Is it here?".

- Last week, he sang a birthday song for me even though its not my birthday. He was so cute.

- Countless ...

And the not so fun moments that I want to remember too:

- dragging him away from the toys sections in the mall.

- pacifying his tantrums in a restaurant

- dragging him away from the books section. Oh ya, he will negotiate with me on how many books he wants me to buy. When I said "one", he will want about "three"!

- negotiating how many minutes he can play with his fishes in the bathroom. Usually its about 3 to 5 minutes. I will have the warm water showering on him so that the pool of water is always warm and he won't catch a cold.

Oh I must list it down every now and then lest I forget.