Apr 19, 2009


I am beginning to find myself buying things for Jon whenever we bring him out just to pacify him. Or he is at the age of being demanding, stubborn and impossible? Oh help me please. But the fact is I do 'spoil' him a bit... in Hubby's term, I've spoilt him rotten! But his is my Darling, my life, my everything... apart from Hubby teehehe.

This weekend alone, I bought him 1 sheet of Strawberry Shortcake stickers, Winny The Pooh's party bags (even though he doesn't want it), 1 big workbook from Borders (thank God for value buys), 1 Dora VCD (which he almost has the whole collection of it) and a tub of a cheaper version of playdoh.

On the other hand, I try to choose things that will be educate him rather than giving him ultraman, spiderman and Ben 10. He still have no idea what those characters are and I don't plan to introduce them to him. So, apart from the stickers and party bags.... I am comfortable in buying 'educational' stuffs like:
Workbooks - he can do numbers exercises
Dora VCD - he loves the adventures
Playdoh - he was having a fun time making shapes and molding into objects. He requested his poh-poh to make him a bird! Now that is very challenging.

Must try to stop this habit of giving him everything the moment he whines. But, how to make him more understanding and patient when we go out?