Jun 13, 2009

My Boy!

Remember the time when I was so worried sick about Jon not talking? The sleepless nights...

Well, I can't get him to keep quiet nowadays. With his high pitch voice and loves to scream (just like the mummy)... he will sing, talk, sing and talk most of the time. Demanding for this and that.. toys, colour pencils, lollipops, balls, bicycle, etc. Voicing his refusal to do things we want him to do like drinking milk and getting out of the bathroom. But no worries, Mr Cane always gets the job done. hehehehe.

Oh ya, we weaned him off diapers at night now. Of course there are accidents if we forgot to make him pee before he sleep. Other than that, he has been a good boy. He no longer wear diapers when we go out. But we have a spare diaper pants in case he needs to pee and we don't have access to any clean toilets. Just wear the diaper on him and kow tim! Sometimes, he'll ask for the diaper (cos he is lazy to go to the toilet...hahahaha). He can roughly tell time now. It started when he refuses to sleep at night and I will tell him that it is 10 or 12 o'clock now... we have to sleep. So, after a few times, he begins to check on the time when I asked him to sleep.

Here's some picture updates:

(big boy liau)

(see my Pooh watch)


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